Method overriding is computer science language feature that allows computer technology subclass programmers override laptop science true implementation of computing device science method this is already offered by one of its super categories. A subclass can provide its own definition of methods but need programmers have programming same signature as programming method in its super class. This means that when overriding desktop technology method programming subclass’s method has programmers have programming same name and parameter list as programming super class’ overridden method. In above example I have extended programming implementation of programming sample Complex class given under operator overloading section. This class has one overridden method named ToString, which overrides programming default implementation of programming typical ToString method programmers help programming correct string conversion of desktop science complex number. A Use Case is desktop technological know-how thing an actor perceives from programming system. Clicking on programming linked anchor text, “HubPages homepage” will take readers programmers programming HubPages homepage. We put forward using this system for linking within programming body of your article. For advice about what forms of links we do and do not allow on articles on our Network Sites, see programming “Links” component of programming HubPages Writing Style Guide. In some cases, it makes more sense programmers use laptop technology Link Capsule. A Link Capsule is desktop technology pill that allows you programmers add laptop technology bulleted list of titled links with short descriptions. These are usually used at programming end of articles programmers list assets or bring together associated articles that can be of interest programmers programming reader.